Monday, 10 October 2016

Week 3 - Elevator Pitch [My Potential Project]

Elevator Pitch - My Photography Project's Theme:

Symmetry (in Architecture)

What is Symmetry in Photography?
By definition of the Cambridge English dictionary, symmetry is:

"The quality of having parts that match each other, especially in a way that is attractive, or similarity of shape or contents."
For example: The design of the house had a pleasing symmetry, its oblong shape being picked up in its elongated windows.

We are all surrounded by symmetry and patterns, both natural and man-made. They can make for very eye-catching compositions, particularly in situations where they are not expected.

There are many reasons why I want to do a project about symmetry for my project. I got the idea from collating all the potential themes and relationships the images from my iPhone's camera roll together and discovered the theme of symmetry dominated in a lot of my images. As I have a strong passion for video production and have done far more film projects than I have in photography, I know that possessing strong skills in camera composition are key to successful films and photographs. Especially if you watch films from director's such as Wes Anderson, who strongly implores methods of symmetrical compositions in a majority of scenes in his films.
I believe by doing my photography project about symmetry would further develop my skills for future careers prospects, whether that would be in video or photography.
However, there are so many aspects where I could take this project with the theme of symmetry...

What, Who, Where?
To help me get a clearer idea of where I could take this project, I made up a brainstorm about symmetry, noting down anything I could think of as a subject for symmetry. I drew ideas via many methods such as re-looking at my my camera roll images that had the theme of symmetry or searching other photographic journals online like Instagram, Pinterest and Behance that possessed themes of symmetry.
What seemed to be most appealing to me was photographs of architectural symmetry so I did some reading into the field or photographing architectural symmetry and found out these images from the likes of the Becher sisters to Dirk Bakker:

Here are some photographs that I have personally captured that possess elements of architectural symmetry. A couple are from test shoots I have done recently around Brighton:

Issues with My Idea
Since this whole module is about developing my project's theme/idea, I have not got my heart set on doing a project specifically about architectural symmetry, but I do think incorporating the theme of symmetry would be an interesting approach for me since there are so many areas of symmetry I can explore with a camera, rather than possibly doing thousands of external photographs of buildings. So what I really want to know is what you think of this idea? Is it any good? What ways could I approach it? Can I make a project out of it?

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